Summary Tables

Row 1

Unemployment Rates

Unemployment Rate Summary LAUS
Area June 2024 May 2024 Monthly Change June 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. SA 4.1 4.0 0.1 3.6 0.5
U.S. 4.3 3.7 0.6 3.8 0.5
Nevada SA 5.2 5.1 0.1 5.0 0.2
Nevada 6.0 5.4 0.6 5.2 0.8
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Reno - Sparks MSA 5.0 4.5 0.5 4.1 0.9
Carson City MSA 5.4 4.8 0.6 4.4 1.0
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 6.2 5.6 0.6 5.4 0.8
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 5.2 4.7 0.5 4.2 1.0
White Pine County 4.1 3.8 0.3 3.3 0.8
Lander County 4.3 3.7 0.6 3.8 0.5
Elko County 4.7 4.1 0.6 4.1 0.6
Washoe County 5.0 4.5 0.5 4.1 0.9
Humboldt County 5.2 4.6 0.6 4.1 1.1
Storey County 5.2 4.8 0.4 4.3 0.9
Douglas County 5.3 4.9 0.4 4.3 1.0
Churchill County 5.4 4.7 0.7 4.5 0.9
Carson City 5.4 4.8 0.6 4.4 1.0
Esmeralda County 5.6 5.4 0.2 3.9 1.7
Lincoln County 5.9 5.1 0.8 5.0 0.9
Pershing County 6.1 5.3 0.8 4.6 1.5
Clark County 6.2 5.6 0.6 5.4 0.8
Eureka County 6.9 5.0 1.9 4.0 2.9
Lyon County 6.9 6.3 0.6 5.7 1.2
Mineral County 6.9 6.5 0.4 7.0 −0.1
Nye County 7.4 6.8 0.6 6.5 0.9
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 4.8 4.1 0.7 4.1 0.7
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 5.2 4.6 0.6 4.1 1.1
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 5.3 4.9 0.4 4.3 1.0
Fallon Micropolitan Area 5.4 4.7 0.7 4.5 0.9
Fernley Micropolitan Area 6.9 6.3 0.6 5.7 1.2
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 7.4 6.8 0.6 6.5 0.9
Elko City* 4.9 4.2 0.7 4.2 0.7
Sparks 5.0 4.5 0.5 3.9 1.1
Reno 5.1 4.6 0.5 4.2 0.9
Mesquite* 5.5 5.0 0.5 4.5 1.0
Boulder City* 5.8 5.3 0.5 5.2 0.6
Henderson 5.9 5.2 0.7 4.9 1.0
Las Vegas 6.3 5.6 0.7 5.6 0.7
Fernley City* 7.1 6.6 0.5 5.8 1.3
North Las Vegas 7.4 6.6 0.8 6.4 1.0
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data

Labor Force

Labor Force Levels Summary LAUS
Area June 2024 May 2024 Monthly Change June 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 169,007,000 167,576,000 1,431,000 167,910,000 1,097,000
U.S. SA 168,009,000 167,732,000 277,000 166,951,000 1,058,000
Nevada 1,620,334 1,619,558 776 1,596,981 23,353
Nevada SA 1,617,818 1,616,212 1,606 1,600,658 17,160
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 26,357 26,156 201 26,185 172
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 1,201,846 1,202,758 −912 1,181,508 20,338
Reno - Sparks MSA 267,621 266,716 905 264,906 2,715
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 340,500 338,942 1,558 337,721 2,779
Churchill County 10,900 10,955 −55 11,008 −108
Clark County 1,201,846 1,202,758 −912 1,181,508 20,338
Douglas County 22,915 22,553 362 22,776 139
Elko County 25,913 25,753 160 26,093 −180
Esmeralda County 411 448 −37 438 −27
Eureka County 842 892 −50 909 −67
Humboldt County 7,415 7,488 −73 7,618 −203
Lander County 3,151 3,120 31 3,169 −18
Lincoln County 1,951 1,960 −9 1,983 −32
Lyon County 23,607 23,517 90 23,854 −247
Mineral County 1,555 1,534 21 1,468 87
Nye County 18,953 18,844 109 18,202 751
Pershing County 2,229 2,273 −44 2,288 −59
Storey County 2,167 2,162 5 2,140 27
Washoe County 265,454 264,554 900 262,766 2,688
White Pine County 4,665 4,591 74 4,575 90
Carson City 26,357 26,156 201 26,185 172
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 26,755 26,645 110 27,002 −247
Fallon Micropolitan Area 10,900 10,955 −55 11,008 −108
Fernley Micropolitan Area 23,607 23,517 90 23,854 −247
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 22,915 22,553 362 22,776 139
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 18,953 18,844 109 18,202 751
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 7,415 7,488 −73 7,618 −203
Fernley City* 8,913 8,892 21 8,999 −86
Boulder City* 7,933 7,949 −16 7,809 124
Elko City* 10,118 10,054 64 10,188 −70
Henderson 177,133 177,336 −203 173,867 3,266
Las Vegas 331,354 331,499 −145 325,934 5,420
Mesquite* 8,693 8,715 −22 8,525 168
North Las Vegas 125,729 125,531 198 123,239 2,490
Reno 144,477 144,027 450 143,090 1,387
Sparks 59,668 59,464 204 58,938 730
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data


Employed Individuals Levels Summary LAUS
Area June 2024 May 2024 Monthly Change June 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 161,774,000 161,341,000 433,000 161,559,000 215,000
U.S. SA 161,199,000 161,083,000 116,000 160,994,000 205,000
Nevada 1,523,737 1,532,887 −9,150 1,514,621 9,116
Nevada SA 1,533,142 1,533,442 −300 1,521,242 11,900
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 24,946 24,892 54 25,040 −94
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 1,127,223 1,135,834 −8,611 1,117,158 10,065
Reno - Sparks MSA 254,265 254,699 −434 254,075 190
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 322,893 323,072 −179 323,414 −521
Churchill County 10,313 10,444 −131 10,509 −196
Clark County 1,127,223 1,135,834 −8,611 1,117,158 10,065
Douglas County 21,693 21,442 251 21,793 −100
Elko County 24,685 24,697 −12 25,016 −331
Esmeralda County 388 424 −36 421 −33
Eureka County 784 847 −63 873 −89
Humboldt County 7,026 7,144 −118 7,302 −276
Lander County 3,016 3,004 12 3,050 −34
Lincoln County 1,836 1,860 −24 1,884 −48
Lyon County 21,989 22,039 −50 22,506 −517
Mineral County 1,448 1,434 14 1,365 83
Nye County 17,557 17,557 0 17,023 534
Pershing County 2,094 2,152 −58 2,182 −88
Storey County 2,054 2,058 −4 2,049 5
Washoe County 252,211 252,641 −430 252,026 185
White Pine County 4,473 4,418 55 4,424 49
Carson City 24,946 24,892 54 25,040 −94
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 25,469 25,544 −75 25,889 −420
Fallon Micropolitan Area 10,313 10,444 −131 10,509 −196
Fernley Micropolitan Area 21,989 22,039 −50 22,506 −517
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 21,693 21,442 251 21,793 −100
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 17,557 17,557 0 17,023 534
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 7,026 7,144 −118 7,302 −276
Fernley City* 8,283 8,301 −18 8,477 −194
Boulder City* 7,469 7,526 −57 7,402 67
Elko City* 9,627 9,632 −5 9,756 −129
Henderson 166,761 168,035 −1,274 165,272 1,489
Las Vegas 310,409 312,780 −2,371 307,638 2,771
Mesquite* 8,218 8,281 −63 8,145 73
North Las Vegas 116,391 117,280 −889 115,352 1,039
Reno 137,179 137,413 −234 137,078 101
Sparks 56,666 56,762 −96 56,624 42
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data


Unemployed Individuals Levels Summary LAUS
Area June 2024 May 2024 Monthly Change June 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 7,233,000 6,235,000 998,000 6,351,000 882,000
U.S. SA 6,811,000 6,649,000 162,000 5,957,000 854,000
Nevada 96,597 86,671 9,926 82,360 14,237
Nevada SA 84,676 82,770 1,906 79,416 5,260
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 1,411 1,264 147 1,145 266
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 74,623 66,924 7,699 64,350 10,273
Reno - Sparks MSA 13,356 12,017 1,339 10,831 2,525
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 17,607 15,870 1,737 14,307 3,300
Churchill County 587 511 76 499 88
Clark County 74,623 66,924 7,699 64,350 10,273
Douglas County 1,222 1,111 111 983 239
Elko County 1,228 1,056 172 1,077 151
Esmeralda County 23 24 −1 17 6
Eureka County 58 45 13 36 22
Humboldt County 389 344 45 316 73
Lander County 135 116 19 119 16
Lincoln County 115 100 15 99 16
Lyon County 1,618 1,478 140 1,348 270
Mineral County 107 100 7 103 4
Nye County 1,396 1,287 109 1,179 217
Pershing County 135 121 14 106 29
Storey County 113 104 9 91 22
Washoe County 13,243 11,913 1,330 10,740 2,503
White Pine County 192 173 19 151 41
Carson City 1,411 1,264 147 1,145 266
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 1,286 1,101 185 1,113 173
Fallon Micropolitan Area 587 511 76 499 88
Fernley Micropolitan Area 1,618 1,478 140 1,348 270
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 1,222 1,111 111 983 239
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 1,396 1,287 109 1,179 217
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 389 344 45 316 73
Fernley City* 630 591 39 522 108
Boulder City* 464 423 41 407 57
Elko City* 491 422 69 432 59
Henderson 10,372 9,301 1,071 8,595 1,777
Las Vegas 20,945 18,719 2,226 18,296 2,649
Mesquite* 475 434 41 380 95
North Las Vegas 9,338 8,251 1,087 7,887 1,451
Reno 7,298 6,614 684 6,012 1,286
Sparks 3,002 2,702 300 2,314 688
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data

United States


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio

Las Vegas - Paradise MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno - Sparks MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Carson City MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno, Carson City, Fernley Combined Statistical Area


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Elko Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Fallon Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Fernley Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Gardenerville Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Pahrump Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Winnemucca Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Carson City


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Churchill County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Clark County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Douglas County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Elko County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Esmeralda County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Eureka County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Humboldt County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lander County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lincoln County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lyon County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Mineral County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Nye County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Pershing County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Storey County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Washoe County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

White Pine County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Carson City


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Elko City*


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

North Las Vegas


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals


Unemployment estimates come from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. This program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for census regions, states, counties, metropolitan areas, and many large cities, by place of residence.

The cities of Boulder City, Elko, Fernley, and Mesquite are state specific areas. These estimates are not endorsed or published by the BLS.

Prepared by the Research and Analysis Bureau with contributions from: Jordan Ambrose, Jason Gortari, Dionny McDonnell, Dave Schmidt, Marianne Segurson, Idalia Valdez Parra, and Tim Wilcox.

Special thanks to all the R and RStudio developers that built the packages to make this possible. Packages used in this report include tidyverse, RColorBrewer, ggthemes, scales, cowplot, data.table, RcppRoll, transformr, gridExtra, gapminder, hrbrthemes, ggforce, patchwork, reshape2, tidyquant, kableExtra, reshape, tinytex, extrafont, knitr, magrittr, Cairo, DBI, ggrepel, magick, dplyr, gtable, grid, glue, plotly, flexdashboard, gt.