Summary Tables

Row 1

Unemployment Rates

Unemployment Rate Summary LAUS
Area December 2024 November 2024 Monthly Change December 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 3.8 4.0 −0.2 3.5 0.3
U.S. SA 4.1 4.2 −0.1 3.7 0.4
Nevada 5.6 5.5 0.1 5.1 0.5
Nevada SA 5.7 5.7 0.0 5.3 0.4
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Reno - Sparks MSA 4.5 4.3 0.2 4.0 0.5
Carson City MSA 5.0 4.8 0.2 4.3 0.7
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 5.9 5.9 0.0 5.4 0.5
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 4.7 4.5 0.2 4.2 0.5
White Pine County 3.4 3.2 0.2 3.5 −0.1
Eureka County 3.8 3.9 −0.1 3.2 0.6
Lander County 3.8 3.8 0.0 3.7 0.1
Humboldt County 4.1 4.0 0.1 3.6 0.5
Elko County 4.3 4.0 0.3 3.7 0.6
Pershing County 4.3 4.3 0.0 4.5 −0.2
Washoe County 4.5 4.3 0.2 4.0 0.5
Churchill County 4.6 4.4 0.2 4.1 0.5
Esmeralda County 4.6 4.7 −0.1 3.8 0.8
Storey County 4.6 4.1 0.5 4.1 0.5
Douglas County 4.8 4.7 0.1 4.6 0.2
Lincoln County 5.0 4.4 0.6 4.7 0.3
Carson City 5.0 4.8 0.2 4.3 0.7
Clark County 5.9 5.9 0.0 5.4 0.5
Lyon County 6.3 6.0 0.3 5.8 0.5
Nye County 6.8 6.8 0.0 6.7 0.1
Mineral County 7.3 6.5 0.8 6.7 0.6
Labor Market Area
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 4.1 4.0 0.1 3.6 0.5
Elko Micropolitan Area 4.3 4.0 0.3 3.7 0.6
Fallon Micropolitan Area 4.6 4.4 0.2 4.1 0.5
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 4.8 4.7 0.1 4.6 0.2
Fernley Micropolitan Area 6.3 6.0 0.3 5.8 0.5
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 6.8 6.8 0.0 6.7 0.1
Elko City* 4.2 3.9 0.3 3.9 0.3
Sparks 4.5 4.3 0.2 3.8 0.7
Reno 4.6 4.4 0.2 4.0 0.6
Mesquite* 5.0 4.8 0.2 4.4 0.6
Boulder City* 5.4 5.5 −0.1 4.5 0.9
Henderson 5.4 5.4 0.0 4.9 0.5
Las Vegas 6.0 6.0 0.0 5.5 0.5
Fernley City* 6.2 6.0 0.2 6.0 0.2
North Las Vegas 6.8 6.8 0.0 6.2 0.6
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data

Labor Force

Labor Force Levels Summary LAUS
Area December 2024 November 2024 Monthly Change December 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 167,746,000 168,164,000 −418,000 166,661,000 1,085,000
U.S. SA 168,547,000 168,286,000 261,000 167,451,000 1,096,000
Nevada 1,618,878 1,617,271 1,607 1,606,068 12,810
Nevada SA 1,623,693 1,622,564 1,129 1,612,919 10,774
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 26,214 26,210 4 25,774 440
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 1,198,486 1,196,516 1,970 1,190,446 8,040
Reno - Sparks MSA 268,079 268,212 −133 265,986 2,093
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 340,857 340,932 −75 337,559 3,298
Churchill County 11,406 11,420 −14 11,198 208
Clark County 1,198,486 1,196,516 1,970 1,190,446 8,040
Douglas County 22,744 22,643 101 22,436 308
Elko County 25,792 25,940 −148 25,365 427
Esmeralda County 481 486 −5 494 −13
Eureka County 1,069 1,081 −12 1,052 17
Humboldt County 7,942 8,000 −58 7,853 89
Lander County 3,238 3,233 5 3,177 61
Lincoln County 2,093 2,090 3 2,068 25
Lyon County 23,820 23,867 −47 23,363 457
Mineral County 1,526 1,518 8 1,440 86
Nye County 18,892 18,918 −26 18,403 489
Pershing County 2,460 2,471 −11 2,396 64
Storey County 2,153 2,149 4 2,140 13
Washoe County 265,926 266,063 −137 263,846 2,080
White Pine County 4,636 4,667 −31 4,616 20
Carson City 26,214 26,210 4 25,774 440
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 26,861 27,021 −160 26,417 444
Fallon Micropolitan Area 11,406 11,420 −14 11,198 208
Fernley Micropolitan Area 23,820 23,867 −47 23,363 457
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 22,744 22,643 101 22,436 308
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 18,892 18,918 −26 18,403 489
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 7,942 8,000 −58 7,853 89
Fernley City* 8,954 8,996 −42 8,818 136
Boulder City* 7,896 7,892 4 7,813 83
Elko City* 10,041 10,112 −71 9,906 135
Henderson 176,219 176,050 169 175,339 880
Las Vegas 330,425 329,824 601 328,299 2,126
Mesquite* 8,648 8,623 25 8,590 58
North Las Vegas 124,947 124,799 148 124,065 882
Reno 144,760 144,861 −101 143,586 1,174
Sparks 59,725 59,782 −57 59,201 524
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data


Employed Individuals Levels Summary LAUS
Area December 2024 November 2024 Monthly Change December 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 161,294,000 161,456,000 −162,000 160,754,000 540,000
U.S. SA 161,661,000 161,141,000 520,000 161,183,000 478,000
Nevada 1,527,795 1,527,706 89 1,524,704 3,091
Nevada SA 1,530,749 1,530,240 509 1,527,705 3,044
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 24,904 24,953 −49 24,659 245
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 1,127,381 1,126,080 1,301 1,126,680 701
Reno - Sparks MSA 255,942 256,610 −668 255,445 497
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 324,806 325,577 −771 323,523 1,283
Churchill County 10,880 10,918 −38 10,742 138
Clark County 1,127,381 1,126,080 1,301 1,126,680 701
Douglas County 21,651 21,574 77 21,410 241
Elko County 24,677 24,912 −235 24,414 263
Esmeralda County 459 463 −4 475 −16
Eureka County 1,028 1,039 −11 1,018 10
Humboldt County 7,613 7,680 −67 7,570 43
Lander County 3,115 3,111 4 3,059 56
Lincoln County 1,989 1,997 −8 1,970 19
Lyon County 22,309 22,440 −131 22,009 300
Mineral County 1,414 1,419 −5 1,343 71
Nye County 17,601 17,630 −29 17,167 434
Pershing County 2,353 2,364 −11 2,287 66
Storey County 2,055 2,060 −5 2,052 3
Washoe County 253,887 254,550 −663 253,393 494
White Pine County 4,479 4,517 −38 4,456 23
Carson City 24,904 24,953 −49 24,659 245
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 25,705 25,951 −246 25,432 273
Fallon Micropolitan Area 10,880 10,918 −38 10,742 138
Fernley Micropolitan Area 22,309 22,440 −131 22,009 300
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 21,651 21,574 77 21,410 241
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 17,601 17,630 −29 17,167 434
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 7,613 7,680 −67 7,570 43
Fernley City* 8,403 8,452 −49 8,290 113
Boulder City* 7,470 7,461 9 7,465 5
Elko City* 9,624 9,716 −92 9,522 102
Henderson 166,784 166,592 192 166,681 103
Las Vegas 310,453 310,094 359 310,260 193
Mesquite* 8,219 8,210 9 8,214 5
North Las Vegas 116,408 116,273 135 116,335 73
Reno 138,090 138,451 −361 137,822 268
Sparks 57,042 57,191 −149 56,931 111
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data


Unemployed Individuals Levels Summary LAUS
Area December 2024 November 2024 Monthly Change December 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 6,452,000 6,708,000 −256,000 5,907,000 545,000
U.S. SA 6,886,000 7,145,000 −259,000 6,268,000 618,000
Nevada 91,083 89,565 1,518 81,364 9,719
Nevada SA 92,944 92,324 620 85,214 7,730
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 1,310 1,257 53 1,115 195
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 71,105 70,436 669 63,766 7,339
Reno - Sparks MSA 12,137 11,602 535 10,541 1,596
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 16,051 15,355 696 14,036 2,015
Churchill County 526 502 24 456 70
Clark County 71,105 70,436 669 63,766 7,339
Douglas County 1,093 1,069 24 1,026 67
Elko County 1,115 1,028 87 951 164
Esmeralda County 22 23 −1 19 3
Eureka County 41 42 −1 34 7
Humboldt County 329 320 9 283 46
Lander County 123 122 1 118 5
Lincoln County 104 93 11 98 6
Lyon County 1,511 1,427 84 1,354 157
Mineral County 112 99 13 97 15
Nye County 1,291 1,288 3 1,236 55
Pershing County 107 107 0 109 −2
Storey County 98 89 9 88 10
Washoe County 12,039 11,513 526 10,453 1,586
White Pine County 157 150 7 160 −3
Carson City 1,310 1,257 53 1,115 195
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 1,156 1,070 86 985 171
Fallon Micropolitan Area 526 502 24 456 70
Fernley Micropolitan Area 1,511 1,427 84 1,354 157
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 1,093 1,069 24 1,026 67
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 1,291 1,288 3 1,236 55
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 329 320 9 283 46
Fernley City* 551 544 7 528 23
Boulder City* 426 431 −5 348 78
Elko City* 417 396 21 384 33
Henderson 9,435 9,458 −23 8,658 777
Las Vegas 19,972 19,730 242 18,039 1,933
Mesquite* 429 413 16 376 53
North Las Vegas 8,539 8,526 13 7,730 809
Reno 6,670 6,410 260 5,764 906
Sparks 2,683 2,591 92 2,270 413
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data

United States


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio

Las Vegas - Paradise MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno - Sparks MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Carson City MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno, Carson City, Fernley Combined Statistical Area


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Elko Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Fallon Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Fernley Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Gardenerville Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Pahrump Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Winnemucca Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Carson City


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Churchill County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Clark County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Douglas County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Elko County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Esmeralda County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Eureka County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Humboldt County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lander County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lincoln County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lyon County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Mineral County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Nye County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Pershing County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Storey County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Washoe County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

White Pine County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Carson City


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Elko City*


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

North Las Vegas


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals


Unemployment estimates come from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. This program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for census regions, states, counties, metropolitan areas, and many large cities, by place of residence.

The cities of Boulder City, Elko, Fernley, and Mesquite are state specific areas. These estimates are not endorsed or published by the BLS.

Prepared by the Research and Analysis Bureau with contributions from: Jordan Ambrose, Jason Gortari, Dionny McDonnell, Dave Schmidt, Marianne Segurson, Idalia Valdez Parra, and Tim Wilcox.

Special thanks to all the R and RStudio developers that built the packages to make this possible. Packages used in this report include tidyverse, RColorBrewer, ggthemes, scales, cowplot, data.table, RcppRoll, transformr, gridExtra, gapminder, hrbrthemes, ggforce, patchwork, reshape2, tidyquant, kableExtra, reshape, tinytex, extrafont, knitr, magrittr, Cairo, DBI, ggrepel, magick, dplyr, gtable, grid, glue, plotly, flexdashboard, gt.