
Row 1

Non-Adjusted Unemployment Rate

Non-Adjusted Unemployed Individuals


Adjusted Unemployment Rate

Adjusted Unemployed


Row 2

Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Las Vegas - Paradise MSA

Row 1

Non-Adjusted Unemployment Rate

Adjusted Unemployed Individuals


Row 2

Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno - Sparks MSA

Row 1

Non-Adjusted Unemployment Rate

Non-Adjusted Unemployed Individuals


Row 2

Unemplyoment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Carson City MSA

Row 1

Non-Adjusted Unemployment Rate

Non-Adjusted Unemployed Individuals


Row 2

Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force


Unemployment estimates come from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. This program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for census regions, states, counties, metropolitan areas, and many large cities, by place of residence.

The cities of Boulder City, Elko, Fernley, and Mesquite are state specific areas. These estimates are not endorsed or published by the BLS.

Prepared by the Research and Analysis Bureau with contributions from: Alex Capello, Jason Gortari, Jeremey Hays, Michael La Rue, Dionny McDonnell, Christopher Robison, Dave Schmidt, Marianne Segurson, and Tim Wilcox.

Special thanks to all the R and RStudio developers that built the packages to make this possible. Packages used in this report include tidyverse, RColorBrewer, ggthemes, scales, cowplot, data.table, RcppRoll, transformr, gridExtra, gapminder, hrbrthemes, ggforce, patchwork, reshape2, tidyquant, kableExtra, reshape, tinytex, extrafont, knitr, magrittr, Cairo, DBI, ggrepel, magick, dplyr, gtable, grid, glue, plotly, flexdashboard, gt.