Unemployment estimates come from the Local Area Unemployment
Statistics (LAUS) program. This program produces monthly and annual
employment, unemployment, and labor force data for census regions,
states, counties, metropolitan areas, and many large cities, by place of
Some estimates have been seasonally adjusted to account for
regularly seen economic patterns. This is done to show underlying trends
in the data, and to provide more stable estimates of employment
The cities of Boulder City, Elko, Fernley, and Mesquite are state
specific areas. These estimates are not endorsed or published by the
Prepared by the Research and Analysis Bureau with contributions
from: Alex Capello, Jason Gortari, Jeremey Hays, Michael La Rue, Dionny
McDonnell, Christopher Robison, Dave Schmidt, Marianne Segurson, and Tim
Special thanks to all the R and RStudio developers that built the
packages to make this possible. Packages used in this report include
tidyverse, RColorBrewer, ggthemes, scales, cowplot, data.table,
RcppRoll, transformr, gridExtra, gapminder, hrbrthemes, ggforce,
patchwork, reshape2, tidyquant, kableExtra, reshape, tinytex, extrafont,
knitr, magrittr, Cairo, DBI, ggrepel, magick, dplyr, gtable, grid, glue,
plotly, flexdashboard, gt.